Monday, 15 March 2010

A Little Bit About Myself

I wrote this new post after I read my lecturer blog at wordpress. I inspired with a short article that tell about the author or creator or administrator of that blog. The blog address is Cobalagee. You may see it if you want :)

At this article I'll tell a little bit about myself. I'm now 24 years old on going (by the date this article created) and I'm now in the last year of my study at college. I'm a student of iSTTS (Institut Sains Terapan dan Teknologi Surabaya) majoring in Information Technology. Now I'm also pursue for my first professional title through CCNA training at my college.

Since around one and half years ago, I also interested in motivation and leadership. I say about myself that I'm a leader in the making. I have leadership experience in some groups and/or organizations but I still need a lot of learn and practice before I can become a world class leader and then I can develop another leaders. I learn leadership from a lot of people, including from my fellows and/or partners at every organizations I've ever joined within. I learn a lot from them !

Beside from my fellows and/or partners, I also learn about leadership from some of world class leadership trainers in the world like John C. Maxwell and also from some pastors, pastor of pastors, or leadership pastors in the world like Rick Warren, Joyce Meyer, Kong Hee, Mac Lake, and still many others. I also learn to lead a team from Jose Mourinho, a very inspiring football coach. They're all very inspiring me to become more better leader in the future and I've also made it as one of my dream. They also inspiring me to develop leaders around me and also help other people around me to reach their full potential that God give for all of them. A very great and challenging vision. Wish I can do it best with the power and guidance from God.

I also enjoy reading, writing, speaking, singing, and many else as I wrote on my about page at this blog. I really love reading and learning ! I also love to motivate others who want to be motivated.

For now, I think that all I can tell about myself. Wish this article may also inspire you to do your best for the glory of your God. Thank before for reading !
